Teaching, Second Grade, Learning, Work Stations, Reading, Math, Math Work Stations, Reading, Work Stations
I cannot believe we only have 2 months left in school.  This has been such a fast year!  My students have learned so much!  Last week we learned all about bees and worked on graphing. 

This week we will learn about a fascinating lady named Jane Goodall.  She is a scientist that has studied chimps for many years.  I have just added a new website for the students to using during reading work stations next week.  It is on the Animal Planet website.  My kids love nonfiction and I am so glad because this will help them not only become better readers, it will help them become better learners.  They search for information now any chance they get.  We even used their research in their writing this week.  Well, I must get going.  Monday will be here soon.

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    My name is Annette Protz.  I am a second grade teacher at Cleveland elementary School in Cleveland, Alabama.  I have been teaching 11 years. 


    March 2010
    January 2010



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Teaching, Second Grade, Learning, Work Stations, Reading, Math, Math Work Stations, Reading, Work Stations